Proposition 211 would help bring honor back to Arizona politics

Gov. Symington pens an editorial strongly supporting Proposition 211:

I had the pleasure of serving as your governor during a simpler time. A simpler time when you actually knew who your political opponent was.

Today, running for office requires great risk and great courage. Risk that you never know who your actual political opponent might be. It’s like being in a boxing match with an opponent you can’t see. It takes substantial courage to fight someone you can’t even see.

It is time to end that.

That’s why I am joining Democrats, Republicans and independents asking you to vote “yes” on Proposition 211, the Voters’ Right to Know Act. If passed, any group spending more than $50,000 on statewide campaigns or $25,000 on local campaigns will have to disclose the names of the original contributors who provided the money for the campaigns.

Read the whole op-ed piece in the Arizona Republic.